Your parents don’t need good healthcare, they deserve it!

Prioritize your Parents' Health without missing a beat 

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Know how this works

We understand, monitor and provide for your parents' unique health needs

Easy to understand lab results

Even before getting into the consultation I was able to understand my lab values. I liked seeing the green parameters - where I’m healthy and happy. I liked the concept of it.

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Hear it from them
Naveen Kumar Bokka
40 years old
High-tech health reports

Timely medicine & lifestyle reminders

The cherry on top is the friendly reminders in the morning, reminding me to stay hydrated, avoid oily food, and other valuable health tips based on my reports and what the doctor recommended

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Hear it from them
Rohan Baadkar
30 years old
Control your pre-diabetes like Mihir & reduce high levels of H1bac score
Medicine Reminders

Everything bundled into one care plan

Biggest plus point for me was seeing all the information on the app. It included all doctor’s advice along with a prescription with all the tablets, all in a single app.

Manoj Baadkar
59 years old
A one-stop solution
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Constant and Consistent Care

Get online or offline diabetes consults

Manage Chronic conditions

Diabetes, Thyroid, Hypertension, Heart Diseases and many more..

Get online or offline diabetes consults

Craft a wholesome lifestyle

Healthy eating, restful sleep, adequate hydration, regular exercise, and beyond, opening doors to wellness

Attention to detail

At-home ECG

Radiology, Iron and lipid profile, hemogram

Liver and renal profile, thyroid, diabetes & more..

View full test panel
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Full body health checkup

80+ lab parameters
Iron Profile
Total iron binding capacity (tIBC)
% Transferrin Saturation
Iron lipid profile
Liver Profile
Lipid Profile
Serum globulin
HDL cholesterol - direct
Aspartate Aminotransferase (sGOT)
LDL cholesterol - direct
alanine transaminase (sGPT)
lDL/ hDL ratio
bilirubin -direct
non-hDL cholesterol
bilirubin (indirect)
total cholesterol
bilirubin – total
serum alb/globulin ratio
tC/ hDL cholesterol ratio
alkaline phosphatase
vLDL cholesterol
gamma glutamyl transferase (gGT)
protein – total
albumin – serum
Renal Profile
Thyroid Profile
blood urea nitrogen (bUN)
total triiodothyronine (t3)
bun / sr.creatinine ratio
total thyroxine (t4)
creatinine – serum
thyroid stimulating hormone (tSH)
uric acid
Diabetic Profile
Vitamin Profile
glycated hemoglobin (hba1c)
vitamin b12 cyanocobalamin
fasting glucose
vitamin d total-25 hydroxy
Urine Test
Total rBC
ph urine
red cell distribution width (RDW-CV)
specific gravity
red cell distribution width sD(RDW-SD)
immature granulocytes(IG)
immature granulocyte percentage(IG%)
red cell distribution width sD(RDW-SD)
lymphocytes - absolute count
monocytes - absolute count
neutrophils - absolute count
red blood cells
basophils - absolute count
pus cells (leukocytes)
eosinophils - absolute count
epithelial cells
total leucocytes count
lymphocyte percentage
yeast cells
mean corpuscular haemoglobin(mCH)
mean corp. hemo. conc(mCHC)
urine ketone
mean corp. hemo. conc(mCHC)
leucocyte esterase
bile pigments (bilirubin)
others - urine
nucleated red blood cells
volume - urine
nucleated red blood cells %
hematocrit (pCV)
platelet count

Stay ahead with our tests that offer crucial insights into your overall well-being

Holistic wellness session twice a month at loophealth
Lipid Profile

Empathetic Expertise

Experienced panel of doctors ready to serve

30 min consults, to answer all your questions

Easy to follow treatment plans inclusive of   medicines, diet and exercise

Weekly doctor check-ins to keep your parents’ treatment on track

Online consults (PAN India) | In-person consults (Mumbai, Pune and Bangalore)

Dr. Tejaswini Vasave
BPT, MPT in Orthepedics physiotherapy
Dr. Priyadarshini Japgtap
Medical Advisor
Dr. Delnaz
Senior Care Specialist
MD (General Medicine)

Health tracking made easy

Unique visualization of your lab results for easy understanding

Live updates on your parents' health, daily and weekly

Track parents' progress and make informed decisions with your doctor

Navigate your health journey with clarity, gain insights, and elevate your parents’ wellness.

Healthcare that doesn’t end at treatments

Parents can easily get their medical questions   answered on Whatsapp!

Whatsapp reminders for medicines and lifestyle    from their medical advisor

Whatsapp group chat among doctors, you, and your parents for integrated care

Our caring team is always there, offering comfort and reassurance every step of the way.

Holistic wellness session twice a month at loophealth

Start Investing in your parent’s health today

Care 360

Your companion for all-round health
80+ lab parameters and at-home ECG
Unlimited consults with senior care specialists & physios
Personalized treatment plans
Health record tracking on mobile app
Daily medicine and lifestyle  reminders
A group chat with your complete healthcare team
(Inclusive of 18% GST)
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80+ lab parameters and at-home ECG
Unlimited consults with senior care specialists & physios
Personalized treatment plans
Health record tracking on mobile app
Daily medicine and lifestyle  reminders
A group chat with your complete healthcare team
(Inclusive of 18% GST)
Buy Now
80+ lab parameters and at-home ECG
Unlimited consults with senior care specialists & physios
Personalized treatment plans
Health record tracking on mobile app
Daily medicine and lifestyle  reminders
A group chat with your complete healthcare team
(Inclusive of 18% GST)
Buy Now
Or evaluate our exceptional services with a trial offer ↓

Advanced Health Checkup

One-time comprehensive health assessment
30 minute long consult with an MD doctor
(Inclusive of 18% GST)
Buy Now
Need assistance in choosing the most suitable plan?
Talk to an expert


In-person or online consultations?
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Currently we offer in-person doctor consultations in Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune.
We offer online doctor consultations across all of India
We offer only online physiotherapy consults.

What are the lab test serviceable areas?
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We cover all major cities and tier 2 cities. At-home ECG serviceability is limited to major cities.

What cities is this available in? Who are the lab partners? What is the TAT?
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We have partnered up with Metropolis, Redcliffe, Healthians. The TAT is 48 hours for safety.

What happens after I pay?
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The Loop lab team reaches out to you on the same day to book your lab test and doctor consult. They take your parents’ details and ask for your preference of online or offline consult.

What if my parents aren’t tech savvy?
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No problem! We manage their health through Whatsapp. Everything from doctor advice, to reminders, to appointment bookings. Our MA is in constant touch with your parents.

Who is a medical advisor, what do they do?
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A medical advisor is an experienced professional. She can help you with clinical queries, educate you about medicines, lifestyle changes and provide emotional support. She is also trained to identify and escalate risky symptoms.

Got more questions? We’re there for you!
Talk to an expert