Nine & Beyond:

Your way to a stress-free pregnancy

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Your guide through pregnancy- a Maternity Buddy.

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Just a Whatsapp message away!

What we offer

Dr. Supriya, 10 years of experience, Loop Health

Dedicated Maternity Buddy - your partner in entire pregnancy journey

An experienced healthcare professional

Don’t rely on Google for your personal pregnancy queries! Chat with your buddy instead.

Available from 9 AM - 7 PM, daily.

Panel of Maternity Experts

We work with your primary gynaecologist to customise your care

Plus, free consultations with our nutritionists and mental health experts at any time.

Get a personalised pregnancy diet plan, or talk to a mental health expert if you’re anxious.

Dr. Nishtha, Mental Health, Loop Health


Mental Health
Dr. Supriya, Gynecologist, Loop Health


Dr Mansi | Loop health


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personalised maternity content

Personalized content and milestone tracking

Simple pregnancy tips and information, sent over chat every 2 weeks

Your Buddy tracks all the important moments of your pregnancy on your Milestone Calendar

How it works

point 1

Book a slot for an Intro Session

We'll message you on Whatsapp with further details.

point 2

During your first call, the Buddy will understand your specific needs and explain the programme in detail.

point 3

With your consent, we'll proceed with the service.

women in maternity stage

*As of now, we’re piloting this service for 1 month

Book a Slot


Is this a replacement for my gynecologist?

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No, the Maternity Buddy will work along with your gynecologist to personalize your care.

How do I avail the service?

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Sign up for the pilot using this form:


What is the cost of this service?

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The Buddy service is free during the pilot period (2 months). You would be eligible for Loop discounts on diagnostic tests and wellness sessions, wherever relevant. The teleconsultations with Loop doctors will be free of cost.

Who is the Maternity Buddy?

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The Maternity Buddy is an experienced healthcare professional. She can help you with clinical queries, educate you about pregnancy, and provide emotional support. She is also trained to identify and escalate risky symptoms to your gynecologist.

How will I interact with my Buddy?

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You can chat with your buddy over Whatsapp. You will also have video calls with the Buddy over Google Meet, shared on your calendar. The frequency will be different in each trimester.