
Top 15 Health Incentives In The Workplace (Updated For 2023)

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Searching for best Health Incentives In The Workplace? We've got your back. Inside you'll find top 15 health incentives for staff in 2023. Read to discover

Searching for best Health Incentives In The Workplace? We've got your back. Inside you'll find top 15 health incentives for staff in 2023. Read to discover

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August 26, 2022
Top 15 Health Incentives In The Workplace (Updated For 2023)
Top 15 Health Incentives In The Workplace (Updated For 2023)

A workplace is no more associated with a paycheck alone. πŸ’΅ Employees nowadays are demanding several added benefits, such as health incentives for themselves and their families as part of the work-related perks. πŸ₯€

Employers also have realized the importance of a healthy employee base as it can lead to higher employee engagement and also contribute positively to increasing productivity and revenue. πŸ“ˆ

LEARN MORE: 15 Fun Employee Engagement Quiz Ideas To Boost Productivity

To build a sound company image and to achieve the objectives of the organization, employers are thus providing a range of health incentives in the workplace. What are they? Let’s walk through some of the leading ones. πŸ’ͺ

Quick Summary

In this article, we will cover:

  • πŸ§‘β€βš•οΈ What are health incentives?
  • 🏒 What is the role of health incentives in the workplace?
  • 🀸 Top 15 health incentives in the workplace

πŸ§‘βš•οΈ What Are Health Incentives?Β 

Health incentives, as the name suggests, are perks that allow employees to take better care of their health and wellness. These include monetary πŸ’· as well as non-monetary πŸ›‹οΈ benefits.Β 

While the primary intention of offering this is to achieve employee wellness, employers also provide health incentives for meeting other allied purposes. These include employee engagement, better productivity, and enhancement of company culture.

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Let’s understand the benefits of providing health incentives at the workplace.Β 

🏒 What Is The Role Of Health Incentives In The Workplace?

Health incentives benefit not just the employees but also the employer. The primary role of their inclusion within the overarching incentive program is to boost healthy behaviors in the company culture. ⛹️‍♀️

In addition to that, health incentives are focused on preventive care and motivate employees to become fitter and better versions of themselves. πŸ’ͺ This enables them to perform more efficiently and contribute effectively toward the realization of organizational goals. πŸ₯…

READ MORE: Why Health And Wellness Is Important For Employees?

Further, health incentives also include holistic health care, thus enabling employees to stay financially safe in case of emergencies. With the help of health insurance, employees can avail pre and post-hospitalization 🩺 cover and much-needed aid for pre-existing ailments, maternity care, and more. 🀰

Here are some of the most popular health benefits that one can offer at work:

🀸 Top 15 Health Incentives In The Workplace?

1. Group health insurance

One of the biggest health incentives that you can provide to your employees is a sound health insurance policy. πŸ“œ

These days, health insurance is not just a luxury but a necessity. It allows employees to seek financial aid in case they or their family members meet with unfortunate health contingencies.

🟒 At Loop, we offer modern health benefits for teams. Our group plans and insurance premiums are designed for businesses small and large. With the proper health benefits, your employees will not feel overburdened with health costs while also ensuring optimum employee performance at the workplace.🎯

⚑Let Loop supercharge your health benefits! ⚑
Yes, I Want Group Health Insurance

2. 🩺 Primary care  

Along with health insurance, employers can also extend primary care benefits to employees. Primary care is essentially the access to better care πŸ“² and information for optimal health outcomes. πŸ’ͺ

The focus of primary care is not just on a specific disease, system, or organ but on you as a whole individual.

🟒 Are you looking for complete and unlimited care? There’s good news. With Loop, you get a group health insurance plan along with free primary care for your employees. This way, you can ensure your employees stay in the pink of their health all the time.Β 

πŸ’« Give your team the care they deserve. πŸ’«

3. πŸ’† Wellness programs

Organizations and HR leaders are nowadays focusing on the creation of robust employee wellness programs.

The aim is to create a structure of the varied health benefits that you can provide to employees, chalk out how you will budget it, and the means by which you can access and monitor it in the future. πŸ“œΒ 

Further, you need to assess and upgrade it periodically in terms of employee demands and the changing workplace dynamics. Creating an employee wellness program can help with this. πŸ“

🟒 With Loop, get free wellness sessions for your teams, 4x a month! Stay on top of your wellness goals with sessions by wellness experts. 

4. πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Meditation and yoga sessions

Now more than ever, it’s well-known that health is as much internal as it is physical. To enable employees to manage workplace stress effectively, companies are now looking at offering meditation and yoga classes at work. 🀸

Further, they can also include meditation corners or relaxation nooks in the office and give employees the liberty to take breaks when at work. The idea is to enhance the mental well-being of employees and allow them to tackle stress effectively. 🧠

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5. 🧠 Mental health support

While tangible means such as group meditations and yoga sessions provide mental and psychological support, sometimes you need a little more. Employers need to go a level beyond and factor in the mental health of employees as part of the primary care benefits. πŸ“ƒ

Whether it’s part of your group health plan or not, companies can provide employees with access to mental health experts. πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ

At Loop, Our group health plans come with wellness sessions that give you access to sessions by experts on mental health at zero cost at any time, day or night.Β 

Find out more here.Β Β 

6. πŸ’†β€β™€οΈ Wellbeing subsidies

While offering perks directly to the employees is great, it may not necessarily fetch the results. Employees may end up feeling obligated to partake in the offerings as opposed to having the leeway to choose what works for them.

To remedy this, you can provide cash reimbursements to employees for several wellbeing offerings. This could include reimbursements for hobbies such as gardening, dance/singing, or more.

READ MORE: 15 Best Employee Perks That Increase Employee Satisfaction

7. πŸ’Ί Ergonomic furniture

Healthy lifestyles are not just about weight loss or nutrition alone. In the workplace, posture also is a crucial part. As already known, poor posture at work may lead to a range of ailments or probable diseases. πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

To avoid this, you can have good quality ergonomic chairs and desks set up in the office. This will enable employees to keep their spine and bodies optimally supported during long work hours. Also, having stretching equipment and stress relieving tools handy to help.Β 

8. πŸŽ—οΈ Health rewards

While offering health insurance and health care benefits is a sure-shot way of encouraging healthy behaviors at work, you can supplement this by rewarding team members for it too. πŸ…

Organizations can host innovative events such as β€˜no-smoking week’ or smoking cessation programs. Further, they can introduce team rewards for walking certain steps a day/month, etc. πŸšΆβ™€οΈ


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9. πŸ‹οΈ Gym memberships

Another great way for employees to maintain their physical health is a gym membership. Companies can either provide cash reimbursements for gym classes or provide premium discounts on memberships by tying up with gym brands. πŸ’ͺ

Further, organizations can also think about creating a dedicated gym space at work. This will allow employees to squeeze in some time for workouts before/after or between work and stay on top of their health goals. πŸ₯…

10. πŸ—£οΈ Health seminars

Coaxing employees into following healthy habits won’t work unless they see the value in it themselves. The first step thus is to educate and inform your teammates about the various benefits of a healthy lifestyle. πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

Companies can spread the good word on health via newsletters and mailers. At the same time, they can get experts and health coaches on board to conduct dedicated seminars and informative live sessions. This will also help employees ask questions about their peculiar health conditions, etc. πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ

11. 🐢 Pet-friendly workplaces

Another unique way to enhance the mental well-being of employees is by creating pet-friendly workplaces. Spending time with pets has been known to have a considerable effect on reducing stress levels and it is a great means to encourage optimum health at work. 🐱

Companies can also arrange for β€˜bring your pets to work’ days or call in therapy dogs at the office every once in a while. The intention behind this is to create a positive environment and boost overall productivity at the workplace. 🐰

12. πŸ₯‘ Healthy snacks

Stocked pantries are a sight of joy! However, often, they could discourage healthy habits at the workplace. Instead of installing coffee/tea machines alone, provide employees with healthy alternatives, such as juice bars and smoothie counters. 🍹

Further, instead of sugary snacks and fried foods, load up the pantry with protein bars, green teas, and roasted/air-fried alternatives. This will allow employees to snack without guilt and stay healthy. 🍡


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13. 🎯 Off-sites focused on exercise

While off-sites are great and can facilitate team bonding, they needn’t always be predictable. In addition to team lunches and movie outings, think about arranging events that are fun and healthy at the same time. πŸ•

A few ideas on this front include guided nature trails, marathons, hiking and camping trips, and more. This will solve a dual purpose by allowing employees to bond as well as get some β€˜healthy time’ clocked in. πŸš΅β™€οΈ

14. 🏠 Flexible work arrangements

A big reason employees quit is the stress that comes from a poor work-life balance. Long hours and additional travel time leave employees with no energy to fulfill personal tasks or look after themselves. πŸ’†

To dodge the side effects of this, employers can provide flexible work arrangements to employees. Allow them to come in late to the office or work from home when possible. Additionally, have a sabbatical program in place for them in case they require to take time off for a longer duration. πŸ•°οΈ

15. πŸ’†β€β™‚οΈ Gift cards for spa/relaxation

You can also provide health incentives in the form of gift cards. Instead of the standard Diwali or festive gifts, employers can substitute or supplement it with healthy offerings such as gift cards for spa or relaxation sessions. ✌️

Additionally, companies can also provide travel points to enable employees to take a break at work. However, it is important to note that the types of incentives you choose to provide should be useful for the employees and help them achieve their health goals effectively. 🌴

πŸ‘ Protect The Health Of Your Employees With Loop πŸ‘

It goes without saying, healthy employees are happier and more productive. And so, employers must set goals to get their teams to be more proactive in their healthcare journey to steer clear of the emergency room.

No one understands this better than team Loop.Β 

Whether it’s our doctors, claims experts, account managers, or customer support team, everyone is on board with the same mission, β€˜making healthcare better for everyone.’

Together, we can make your healthcare journey exceptional.Β 

Sign up with Loop for modern health benefits for your team.

Top 15 Health Incentives In The Workplace (Updated For 2023)
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Top 15 Health Incentives In The Workplace (Updated For 2023)

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